Balrog whip attack can now target air units, reload increased (30s from 5s), damage vs heroes highly increased (+35%), heroes can't resist its knockback anymore Army of the Dead damage vs the Balrog reduced (approx. Balrog sensibly more resistant to magic damage (80% damage taken from 100%) Balrog now has a faster wings-takeoff animation (0.7s from 1.7s) Heal power now only heals up to 80% of the unit's max health Elven Woods and Tainted land armor bonus reduced (+40% from +50%) Summoned Eagles duration reduced (1m30s from 2 mins) Summoned Elves duration reduced (2 mins from 3 mins) Cloudbreak recharge time is now 6m 15s, costs 7 points (from 6), and beyond stunning its level 1 units, it now also negatively effects all enemy units (-30% speed, -50% armor) for 35 seconds Weather powers are now independent, meaning they can overlap their effects, except for enemy freezing rain Darkness and Freezing rain now take longer to recharge (5 min) than their effectiveness time (3 min) The Lord of the Rings, The Battle for Middle-earth This is the first released patch for The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-Earth upgrading the strategy game to version 1.03 and adding garrison features, balance changes, bug fixes and much more!
The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-Earth Patch v1.03